Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The View From Here {Gatherings}

At the risk of being entirely too corny, I bring you our gathering round the ole Christmas tree. This week over at gogovivi, the photo theme of the week is {Gatherings}. There have been several of those over the Thanksgiving weekend, which also included a birthday, but somehow the pictures ended up being more of the food and less of the people gathered. I agree with my friend that part of this is due to the fact that it just feels annoying to be sticking your camera in people's faces all day. It was enough that I made them all pause and back away for a few minutes to let me snap away before they dove, headfirst into the pies.

But the tree all lit up and bedazzling to little eyes was not hard to capture. So entranced were these little ones that they seemed barely aware of my existence, except when they had to ask for one (who will remain nameless) unruly child to be removed from stepping on all their ornament piles, or when they wanted to know if THIS, TODAY was Christmas Eve because it seemed so special (and have asked every day since). 

For me, being so far away and so separated from all the beauty of the Christmas season makes it feel almost more important to do the few little things we can. In many ways, I appreciate being removed and distant, and in many ways, I wish we weren't so far away. More on that tomorrow, I think. Regardless if it is easy or not, I  love creating the atmosphere of delight and wonder for my children... it spreads I tell you.

And just so you don't think I'm trying to only share my perfect little rosy moments with you, I give you proof that there is plenty of real life mixed in here! 

We whine and fight, refuse to listen and get frustrated with each other. But in many ways, this makes the celebration all the more sweet. For the people living in darkness have seen a great light...


  1. I LOVE the last picture! I looks like Josh is teaching Sadie some sort of life lesson!

  2. i love the 2nd to last picture! sadie is making an ARI face!!!

  3. I tell you that Sadie is a girl after my own heart. she is trouble with all that firey red hair, love it. all the best to you with that one...little girls are something! still trying to figure out the appropriate word to replace, 'something.'

  4. I gave our ugly blue and white fiber optic Christmas tree to the charity sale this year and am feeling quite guilty about it. Now I am looking for other ways to decorate!
