Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Park Family Photos :: Because I Love Them

This is one of the reasons I can barely stand the thought of leaving this city in a few months. David and Mimi and their three delightful, spirited, thoughtful children are some of our closest friends here. We came across the oceans with them four years ago, first meeting each other in the hot and tearful days of Pre-Field Orientation in Houghton, New York. Who knew that four years later they would be so dear to my (and my whole family's) heart?

So even though I have NO DESIRE to go into family protraiture as a business, I more than willingly went out with them for an afternoon to try and get some family photos. If for no other reason than I love to hang with them. And I do enjoy taking pictures. We did laugh at the irony of the very foreign looking westerner following around this Asian-looking family and snapping away at them. Usually it would be the other way around.

To view the entire set of photos, click over here and give them some love!


  1. These are so fantastic, Christine! And such a great and photogenic family too :)

  2. Okay, these pictures are awesome. Not only are they good in a picturey sort of way, they SO capture this family. It makes me love them even more. Artistically-wise I love the one with the kids in the forfront and the parents in the background. Personality-wise, I love the one with Mimi jumping. LOVE IT. Great job friend.

  3. Saw these yesterday on your Flickr stream...you all looked to have had so much fun. Well done!

  4. I myself don't have much desire for the business of portraiture, either, but you have to admit that it does have its appeal - and that appeal lies in capturing moments with a family like this one. LOVE these shots and just want to say again how highly I think of your photography. I hope to do as well as you did here.

  5. I am so happy to call you sister! I love seeing the talent that God has given you! Love you dearly.

  6. beautiful job, girl. they look like such a precious family.

  7. i have enjoyed reading a little bit about you and your family in your blog :) great shots here!
