Wednesday, July 14, 2010

personal day

Every school year my hard working husband is afforded a couple "personal days"-- time off that doesn't have to be excused by sickness or death or anything but some simple time away from the grind. This same hard working husband has graciously offered the same gift to me... a personal day all to myself. Actually, he has given me a few of them and let me tell you, they are glorious. I even woke up at 4:30 am so I could get out of the house at the beautiful sunrise hour and drink in all the things I can do when it's just me.

I don't have a whole lot to show for that day. Just a beautiful cup of early morning affagoto which I enjoyed in the stillness and quiet of a side street cafe, a door from a village walk, and some words written down about souls and marriage and Woody Allen. I also bought some new plants for our patio which now feels inviting instead of slightly trailer-trashish.

As the evening drew near and I moseyed home through the park near our house, I met up with a dear friend and her little girl at the beach down the way. Her daughter is stunning and too cute for words, as is she, especially being nine months pregnant and full with the roundness and beauty that happens when a baby takes over a woman's body. I took a few pictures, wanting something to give her to remind her of this rare and beautiful time that can often just feel puffy and tiring. The results didn't convince me to start a portfolio or anything, but it was fun to have someone to look through a lens at that wasn't my own offspring. All in all, a delightfully refreshing personal day.


  1. I am so inspired to write like this. I feel so connected with you and all that is going on in your lives. Send me some pointers and I'll start one when I head home from NY. Love you bunches!!!!!

  2. So glad to see you soaking in the refreshment of a your man, the sun and water. Love to you.

  3. I literally teared up when I saw the pictures of Sarah and Sonya. They're beautiful. Perfect, really.
