Saturday, June 26, 2010

Eeking out the summer :: getting wet helps

Just when I think I can't answer another "mom, what can we dooo?", the beautiful, magical gift of water saves the day. My favorite activities are ones that require little planning, no money, and keep the kids happy for a good length of time, preferably out of doors. Water enters the picture here and it can do wonders for a small, second floor patio, a low tide at the beach nearby, or even an afternoon haircut (who doesn't love getting their head massaged with warm cascading water and bubbles!). 

In the last couple days I've been thankful for the many moments this simple element has brought us. We've worked on our aim in tide pools while sidestepping crabs and other water lurkers, we've washed windows with mops and played slip n'slide on our porch, we've made buckets of green tea and who knows what else (with water and a pile of dishes... our salad recipes have no rival to these kid's concoctions) and all with something as simple as water. 

On one of these days I was reading in the UNICEF kids book about the water shortage in much of the world, and it struck me as we splashed and poured and let the water run through our hands as though they were rivers of sparkling silver coins, that our somewhat ignorant play is very fortunate indeed.

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