Friday, February 12, 2010

Finding Beauty

Sometimes beautiful things slide right by me, going unnoticed in the blur that is my life. If it's true that beauty is in the eye of the beholder than it must also be true that the beholder's eyes need to be open. I'm kind of a glass half empty kind of girl (I like to couch it in words like "critical thinker" but really, too often it's just plain old negativity) so most of the time my eyes are, if not shut, at least drooping pretty low.

To my long List of Skills to Learn that I seem to be endlessly adding to these days, photography has generously added itself. Over at one of my favorite little crafty/photography blogs, Bluebirdbaby has started a photo challenge called 30 Days of Beauty. The idea is, during these long winter months, to find something beautiful in your day and try to photograph it. It's a way to lift your gaze, open your eyes, and experience thankfulness in the simple, lovely things we too often leave unnoticed. You can see these and other new photos over on flickr

Yesterday we had our annual Once-A-Year-All-Out-Craft-Day to create some festivities for Chinese New Year. Some people hold these weekly in their homes with their children but I live on a lower plane of parenthood. I have to admit however, that even though our entire house was trashed and my daughter ended up wrapped like a cocoon in a knotted mass of red yarn, glue and paper scraps, it was a fun and beauty-filled day. More to share on that later. 

For now, I'm enjoying this day of simple indoor activity... with a hint of lemon.

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